12 Week RevoFit Coaching
What Makes RevoFIT Unique?
Join us and walk forward in confidence! An EXCLUSIVE completely customized meal plan service in which we give clients complete control over their food choice and preferences.
We've partnered with lead dietitians in the lifestyle health and fitness industry to offer you a service unlike ANY other.
What clients receive?
Guidelines of which nutrients should be consumed. When, how, and how much and of what to be consumed!
As progress is tracked workouts and calories will be changed or modified to ensure advancements continue.
Multiple workout plans will be sent as your body adapts.
We are taking ALL of the guesswork out and giving our clients clear tools to meal prep and or eat on the go.
Make your diet fit your LIFESTYLE.
We do it all for YOU and provide you guidelines and plans for SUCCESS!
Choose from two different for meal plan variations. Strict specific meal plan with options and adjustments as needed. Or the option for a macro consult. This is a $300 value where you are taken through step by step how to create your own daily meal plans. With our guidance, knowledge and constant support you will find this way of dieting is easy to do no matter your lifestyle! Tracking your own meals will be more work on the clients end but amounts to life long knowledge of the break down of calories. From here you will be able to track your diet no matter your future goals!
Simply put; allow us to create a plan for you based on your specific goals and we present you with tools to tweak your very own meal plan based on your food preferences. We are only on text or phone call away It! It couldn't get any better!
Check ins will be every two weeks. Photos are a requirement for adjustments to be made. We are here to be sure you achieve each and every one of your goals! Knowing some one is there to reference your achievements is the ultimate accountability solution to keep your fire burning!
Transformation packages include workouts that are gym based and or minimal home equipment required. Your routine will be customized based on male/female, fitness level, goals, and target areas. Your COMPLETELY customized meal plan will be created SPECIFICALLY to and for YOU and YOUR goals! If you choose to a macro consult your numbers will personally be evaluated and split based on our specific breakdown. We will manipulate the numbers in your app and tweak them as needed to ensure continuous progress.
Each RevoFIT package is created and planned to optimize and achieve the best level of personal fitness possible! We do not condone cookie cutter programming in terms of nutrition and or exercises for custom packages; you get the information and routine YOUR body NEEDS!
We are ready to help anytime! Clients will receive direct phone contact information and can schedule conferences to be sure we are on track!
We are here to keep pushing you forward and celebrating your success right along with you!
Reaching your fitness goals is HARD! Mental and physical. It takes work and lots of effort in and out of the gym. There is tons of information on the internet. For every one thing you find there are two things directly contradicting it. Let us take out the guesswork. By trusting the process and following the plans we will lay out for you throughout the twelve weeks you will begin seeing what your body is truly capable of! No second guessing or back peddling!
CHECK INS ARE DUE EVERY OTHER FRIDAY. If they are sent later during the weekend or week a response is not guaranteed until the following Sunday.
--direct access for all questions and concerns
--detailed workout split according to your goals
--training tips and tricks
--how much cardio/how long to do cardio
--different options on your cardio sessions
--supplement recommendations
Custom adjustments to your diet and cardio, bi-weekly for 12 weeks using a check in form.
*After checkout download questionnaire and liability waiver PDFs. Email getrevofit@gmail.com after all forms are completed.
**If you have an issue downloading the paperwork, email us at getrevofit@gmail.com**
*Gym membership not included.
The sooner this is filled out and returned the sooner we can get started on your plan!
NO REFUNDS! If you are unsure about was is provided please call 713-301-7877 and leave a detailed message. We will happily call you back and go through any questions you may have!